Instructor-led training
1 day
Intended Audience
Technical resource(s) who will administer the Enterprise Archive environment.
To get the most out of the course, attendees should have a good understanding of application development using XML structured data. Attendees also need working knowledge of using get and post methods in software application development. A good understanding of Enterprise Archive, Enterprise Discovery, and/or Enterprise Supervision is required. Attendees should attend our Enterprise Archive Administrator course and either our Enterprise Discovery Administrator or Enterprise Supervision Administrator course before attending this course.
This hands-on course provides a comprehensive introduction to the Enterprise Archive Application Development Interface. Attendees will gain a solid understanding of available API functionality. They will learn how to leverage the available set of APIs to connect and authenticate to Enterprise Archive in order to archive, search, retrieve, and manage communications.
Course Topics
• Enterprise Archive overview and concepts
• Enterprise Archive APIs overview
• Executing APIs using postman plug-in
• API Client Registration
• API Authentication
• Enterprise Archive use of pagination
• Data Ingestion API
• Administration APIs
• Archive Management APIs
• Case Management APIs
• Supervision APIs
• API error handling
• API use cases